Everest Country Store

The kit is composed of a laser cut plywood core overlaid with laser cut clapboard and strip wood. This is a fine little kit with lots of assembly enjoyment. Its what makes building kits fun. The kit has wide appeal and will fit any model railroad from narrow gauge to standard gauge modern themed railroads. This is a redesign of an earlier kit, well, not a redesign, but its the same kit we did a few years ago but without out all the metal castings and at a better price.. Try one today! Overall foot print is a scale 36'wide x 32'deep. .

Everest Country Grocery, HO scale, #2134
Price: $78.00 Qty:

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banta modelworks
802-258-3869 (BS line) 800-653-8214 (Orders)
E-mail: billbwks@sover.net